This abuse information website is operated and maintained by the Computer Security Group (SecLab) at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Most likely, you are visiting this website because you have received requests from our network range that you might consider as abuse. Please note that the requests we are conducting from these IP addresses are benign in nature and that we are not attacking you or anyone else.
At almost any time, we are running a variety of different experiments and scans from our network to evaluate the global state of security on the Internet. Our current experiments are detailed below and we hope that they answer your immediate questions already and might ease your concerns. However, we understand that they might not answer all your questions. Therefore, if you wish to receive additional information about the research project impacting you or if you wish to be excluded from our experiments, then please reach out to us at with the relevant information (source/destination IP address, what has impacted you, etc.). We will be more than happy to provide more information about our research project and/or exclude you from our experiments. Finally, please note that we store all collected data for research purposes only and that we only store aggregated and anonymous statistics whenever possible.
Thank you,
System Administrators
Computer Security Group (SecLab) at UC Santa Barbara